Our Vision
Empowering Women Town Planners for sufficient knowledge-sharing and effective professional practice in the field of urban and regional planning comparable to similar Associations globally.
Core Values
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Accountability
- Inclusiveness
- Partnership
- Team Work
Our Mission
- To support Women Town Planners through capacity building and skill acquisition.
- Provide guidance and mentorship for Female Urban and Regional Planning Students in Tertiary Institutions.
Provide opportunities for training, educational advancement, and skill improvement for Female Urban and Regional Planning Students.
Our Aim
To empower Women Town Planners for effective professional service delivery in the field of Urban and Regional Planning in Nigeri.
Our Objectives
- Promote, preserve and protect the interest of women in Town Planning.
- Create and sustain public awareness on the role of the women in Town Planning.
- Develop, maintain and enhance partnerships with Commonwealth Association Planners (CAP), United Nations (UN) Women Member Organization, Women in Cities International, Women Transforming Cities and other Organization pursuing similar gender related objectives in the Built Environment through Nigerian Institute of Town Planners.
- Strengthen the voice and leadership of women through continuous advocacy in sustainable human settlement and ensuring that gender equality issues remain high on the National agenda in the built environment.
- Initiate, organize, promote and enter into any enterprise deemed beneficial to the Association as may be approved by NITP
- Encourage young girls and women to acquire education, training and pursue a career in the profession.
- Carry out any activity consistent with the aim and objectives of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners.
Our team
National Excos 2021-2023
Founder & CEOThe founder of Consulting WP, he has been the captain of this ship from the beginning and has sailed...
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Founder & CEOThe founder of Consulting WP, he has been the captain of this ship from the beginning and has sailed...
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